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HomeMust ReadHow Good Are Knee Replacements

How Good Are Knee Replacements

Why Was This Study Needed

Bilateral Total Knee Replacement Surgery: The Evolution, Benefits, & Who is a Good Candidate

Knee replacements are commonly performed for people with osteoarthritis.

An estimated 25% to 47% of patients who are suitable for joint replacement in the UK have osteoarthritis in one compartment of the knee and potentially could receive either implant. Total knee replacements involve all three components: the medial, lateral and patellofemoral compartments. When only one of these compartments is replaced, this is called a unicompartmental partial knee replacement.

In 2017, there were 112,836 knee replacement procedures undertaken in England and Wales: 9% of them were unicompartmental. Previous research has shown that partial knee replacements can save costs and improve the quality of life for patients compared with total knee replacements. National guidelines do not recommend a particular approach.

Most previous studies have focused on the clinical benefits of partial versus total knee replacement rather than outcomes such as recovery time and mobility. This study aimed to provide an account of all available evidence on outcomes.

It Could Lead To Complications During And After Surgery

Because dealing with chronic pain and reduced mobility can take a toll on your physical and emotional health, delaying your surgery could lead to additional complications during and after your knee replacement. If you experience weight gain, low endurance, or get diagnosed with a cardiac condition or similar ailment, you may require a more complex procedure and longer estimated recovery time.

Remember: as the joint deteriorates, the overall replacement process will become more complex as the surgeon must navigate increased joint deformity while operating on someone with suboptimal health. This means that your surgery may take longer and leads to a higher risk of postoperative concerns like blood clots, infections, or obstacles to recovery.

Additionally, most patients experiencing late- to end-stage osteoarthritis are older individuals. Old age is associated with an increased risk of surgical complications and slower recovery times.

Providing Better After Care For Patients

We’re funding research which aims to provide a standardised approach and assessment for virtual clinic follow-up of total joint replacement patients and subsequent management of patients identified as ‘at risk’ by this approach. This study would enable us to deliver better and more streamlined after care for patients.

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Are Vibration Plates Bad For Knees

Vibration plates are becoming increasingly popular as an alternative exercise tool. While they do help to strengthen bones, many people are concerned about the health risks they pose to the knees. While there are some benefits, vibrations may also cause damage to the joints and ligaments. Continued use of these devices could cause bone fractures and osteoporosis. In addition, they have been linked to circulatory disorders and low back pain in construction site workers and truck drivers. They may also increase headaches, joint pain, and other issues.

There are numerous benefits to vibration plate machines, but they are also associated with risks. Some advocates of the machine claim it can improve flexibility and reduce muscle soreness. It can even reduce the levels of the stress hormone cortisol. More studies are needed to determine if the vibration machines are harmful to knees. They may have negative side effects, but they have a number of benefits. In addition to reducing muscle soreness, these machines are also beneficial for weight loss and fat-burning.

What Is Genicular Artery Embolization

Knee Replacement

Abnormal blood vessel formation, also known as angiogenesis, is one of the causes of knee pain in osteoarthritis patients. Angiogenesis is a key step in the initiation and maintenance of inflammation in the joint capsule. Abnormal vessels that breach into avascular cartilage in the knee is a hallmark of osteoarthritis, so much so that it is one of the diagnostic features of the disease.

GAE is an interventional radiology treatment that can relieve osteoarthritis pain by treating the offending abnormal blood vessels. The procedure blocks the abnormal blood vessels. Doing this reduces inflammation and its resultant pain.

An interventional radiologist performs the procedure. An IR is trained to perform minimally invasive vascular procedures to treat multiple conditions. They treat their patients using procedures such as angioplasty and embolization .

An IR is a medical doctor that has obtained at least six additional years of specialized training in radiology and interventional radiology.

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What About Exercise Following A Knee Replacement

Exercise and sport are recommended after knee replacement, apart from contact sports, which may weaken the cement and lead to loosening of the joint components. Recreational sports including golf, tennis and skiing will gradually become possible depending on how fit and sporty you were before the operation. Cycling is a very good way of building up strength and mobility after knee surgery.

Exercising the main muscle groups around your knee is very important both before and after having a knee replacement. You can download a selection of exercises that are designed to stretch, strengthen and stabilise the structures that support your knee. Try to perform these exercises regularly, for instance for 10 minutes six to eight times a day. However, its important to find a balance between rest and exercise so you dont overwork your knee. Its a good idea to get advice from your doctor or physiotherapist about specific exercises before you begin.

It Will Slow Down Your Recovery Process

If your activity levels drop due to chronic pain or you find yourself wheelchair-bound as a result of osteoarthritis, the muscles in your legs may begin to deteriorate. Muscle mass already declines with age, so by further reducing your activity levels, you may experience compound effects that slow down your physical recovery. It could also make post-operative recovery procedures, like physical therapy, all the more challenging.

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What Are Knee Replacement Implants Made Of

The selection of knee replacement prosthesis design and materials depends on each individual patient. The main implant components are made of metal â usually titanium or chrome-cobalt alloys. The implants are fixated in place either with a cement bonding agent or by osseointegration, in which a porous metal stem extends into the tibia and the patient’s natural bone grows into it. A plastic platform or spacer will be inserted between the tibial and femoral implant surfaces. The spacer is made of polyethylene.

Most femoral components are made of metal alloys or metal-ceramic alloys . The patellar component is plastic . The tibial insert component is also plastic . The tibial tray component can be made of the following materials:

  • cobalt chromium

Genicular Artery Embolization : New Knee Replacement Technology In 2021

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There is exciting news for patients looking for an alternative to knee replacement surgery in 2021. It is a procedure called genicular artery embolization, and it is used to treat osteoarthritis.

A recent study shows that the procedure is effective at significantly reducing patients knee pain, particularly those dealing with moderate-to-severe knee pain. The study showed continued improvement at each of the one-month, three-month, and six-month checkups, which included an MRI scan. Patients felt the increased improvement over time, and the MRI showed it.

Another 2020 study tested 10 patients that received GAE treatment. At the 12-month mark, patients reported:

  • Median pain: 15.4% improvement
  • Knee/leg function: 21.3% improvement
  • Quality of life: 100% improvement

Follow-up tests were completed, namely a six-minute walk and 30-second chair stand test. Scores for walk and chair stand tests improved by 26% and 43% respectively.

No adverse reactions were reported as well.

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Abstract Screening And Data Extraction

The abstracts of journal articles were screened by three reviewers using the web application Rayyan, and in cases of disagreement were included for full review. Data were extracted twice on publication date, implant type, fixation technique, number of knee replacements, age and sex of recipient, indication for knee replacement, loss to follow-up, and summary survivorship estimates , when available. Data were not extracted from figures to prevent potential inaccuracy, particularly in the case of older, low-resolution figures. Any discrepancy between the twice-extracted data was rectified by review of the full text by all reviewers, after which there were no cases of disagreement.

The National Joint Registry

The National Joint Registry collects details of knee replacements done in England, Wales, Northern Ireland and the Isle of Man. Although it’s voluntary, it’s worth registering. This enables the NJR to monitor knee replacements, so you can be identified if any problems emerge in the future.

The registry also gives you the chance to participate in a patient feedback survey.

It’s confidential and you have a right under the Data Protection Act to see what details are kept about you.

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Can You Use Vibrapower With Knee Replacements

Vibrapower is an exercise machine that uses continuous passive motion to gently bend and straighten the knee. The device has different settings that allow the user to adjust the amount of motion in the joint. The patient should work with a physical therapist to adjust the machine to his or her comfort level. The goal is to regain full mobility and strength. This machine is ideal for people who have had knee replacement surgery.

There are some precautions when using this machine. If you have had knee surgery, you should consult your doctor before using it. Its important to use it safely and with the correct precautions. You should be very careful not to overextend the knee joint. If you are experiencing pain and sensitivity, you should not use the machine. It could be detrimental to your health. You should wear loose and comfortable clothes.

Its a good idea to stay active. Walking is a great way to stay healthy. You should try walking, biking, and swimming after your knee surgery. Make sure you do this slowly, and dont strain your knee during the workout. After twelve weeks, you can go back to your regular activities. Its advisable to consult your doctor before engaging in any new activity. You can start using your vibrapower machine once youre comfortable with it.

Am I A Good Candidate For Knee Replacement Surgery

Total knee replacement surgery

It isnt easy to decide on surgery, even when the latest surgical techniques can reduce your risks and shorten your recovery time. But joint replacement procedures can be life-changing, especially when they involve your knees.

In 2014, surgeons performed more than 680,000 total knee replacements in the United States, and estimates show these numbers ballooning to 1.2 million by 2030. But just because knee replacements are on the rise, that doesnt mean its time to schedule your procedure.

Dr. Jared Tadje at Tadje Orthopaedics specializes in knee replacements. He considers the following factors when determining who is a good candidate for this common procedure.

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Are There Complications To Total Knee Replacement Surgery

  • Total knee replacement surgery is primarily a pain relieving procedure however, it may not relieve all pain, and there is a possibility of residual stiffness and swelling.
  • Although complications are relatively rare , patients may experience a complication in the postoperative period. These include very serious and possibly life threatening complications such as heart attack, stroke, pulmonary embolism and kidney failure.
  • Stiffness or loss of motion can also occur.
  • Infection is one of the most debilitating complications and often requires prolonged antibiotics with several additional surgeries to rid the infection.
  • A blood clot in the leg is also a relatively common complication requiring some type of blood thinner following surgery to reduce the incidence.
  • The implants can also fail over time due to wear or loosening of the components, but this generally occurs many years after surgery.

How Long Is It Before I Can Walk After A Knee Replacement

Most patients progress to a straight cane, walker or crutches within two or three days after surgery. As the days progress, the distance and frequency of walking will increase.

Patients are usually able to drive a car within three to six weeks after surgery and resume all other normal activities by or before six weeks. Complete recuperation and return to full strength and mobility may take up to four months. However, in many cases, patients are significantly more mobile one month after surgery than they were before they had their knee replacement

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Will I Need Any Treatments After Knee Replacement

Your healthcare team will prescribe medications to help you manage pain after surgery, such as:

  • Acetaminophen.

To prevent blood clots and control swelling, your healthcare team might also recommend:

  • Blood thinners, such as aspirin or injectable Enoxaparin based on individual risk of blood clot formation.
  • Compression devices, usually used while hospitalized. These are mechanical devises which provide intermittent compression.
  • Special support hose.

Your team will ask you to move your foot and ankle around frequently to maintain blood flow at home. Theyll also show you special exercises to help strengthen your knee and restore motion. Exercises are very important to the success of your knee replacement. Initially, physical therapy will be in the home. Arrangements for this in home PT are made at the time of discharge from the hospital.

Common Knee Surgery Alternatives A Doctor May Recommend

Top 6 Exercises To Do After Total Knee Replacement

Most orthopedic surgeons are going to recommend knee replacement surgery to their patients. They feel that even the best alternatives to knee replacement are just temporary. Eventually, their patients will need to have a partial or total knee replacement.

And right now, surgeons are excited to recommend surgery because of the many advancements that make the procedure less time-consuming and more comfortable for the patients. AI and robotics scientists are producing incredible surgical tools and aids.

However, if a patient wants to avoid surgery or at least put it off a surgeon will likely recommend the following options.

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Reasons Why A Revision Replacement Is Necessary

Revision replacements are performed for a number of reasons. Some of the more common include:

  • Loosening of the implant
  • Instability of the knee
  • Malalignment of the parts

Many people ultimately have a revision knee replacement because the problem is causing significant pain. While pain can be a problem in itself, a revision knee replacement surgery should not be performed without understanding why the pain is occurring. Performing this type of surgery for pain without an identified cause is unlikely to yield good results. Instead, the cause of the problem with the knee replacement needs to be precisely understood, and there needs to be a plan to address that problem with the implant. An operation without a clear plan to address the problem is unlikely to be helpful.

Know All Of Your Treatment Options

Your doctor may give you additional or alternate information regarding knee pain and total knee replacement surgery. If you have questions about treatment options, schedule an appointment to discuss whats right for you. Contact us today to learn more about NUsurface as a knee pain treatment option.

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Exercises To Help Increase Knee Motion And Strength

Once you are fully recovered from knee replacement surgery, it is important that you continue with an exercise program. A physical therapist will personalize a knee rehabilitation program to help you reach certain goals. Dont start a new exercise program without your doctors approval.

Weve come up with 7 helpful exercises that promote safety, build strength, and increase range of motion that you can practice at-home after a knee replacement surgery.

Types Of Arthritis That Affect The Knee

Knee Replacement Lawsuit

Inflammatory arthritis

This broad category includes a wide variety of diagnoses including rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, gout and many others. It is important that patients with these conditions be followed by a qualified rheumatologist as there are a number of exciting new treatments that may decrease the symptoms and perhaps even slow the progression of knee joint damage.

Patients with inflammatory arthritis of the knee usually have joint damage in all three compartments and therefore are not good candidates for partial knee replacement. However, inflammatory arthritis patients who decide to have total knee replacement have an extremely high likelihood of success. These patients often experience total, or near-total, pain relief following a well-performed joint replacement.


Osteoarthritis is also called OA or degenerative joint disease. OA patients represent the large majority of arthritis sufferers. OA may affect multiple joints or it may be localized to the involved knee. Activity limitations due to pain are the hallmarks of this disease.

OA patients who have symptoms limited to one compartment of the knee sometimes are good candidates for minimally-invasive partial knee replacement .

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What Restrictions Will I Have After Surgery

Restrictions following total knee replacement surgery are generally few and should be discussed with your surgeon. After surgery, you will have some difficulty kneeling on the operative knee, which you will become less aware of with time, but will always have a general perception that the knee is artificial and doesnt really feel like a normal knee.

Most people are able to return to usual activities and work but may have some difficulty performing heavy labor such as construction or farming. Most sporting activities are fine with the exception of running or jumping.

Traveling should be not be affected by a joint replacement after the first four to six weeks when most surgeons advise against prolonged seated travel or flying due to increased risk of blood clot.

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Is Walking Good Before Knee Replacement

The first goal is to restore as much knee range of motion as possible. It is especially important to have a fully straight knee in order to walk with normally. The second goal is to maximize strength of your quadriceps muscle. This muscle is responsible for walking, climbing stairs, and getting you up from a chair.

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