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Best Orthopedic Doctor For Knee Pain

When To See A Doctor For Knee Pain


Unfortunately, knee pain is a common problem for many Americans of all ages. While younger people tend to experience knee pain after an injury, knee pain can also be caused by a number of medical conditions, obesity and arthritis.

If youre experiencing acute or chronic knee pain, you may need to see a knee specialist for treatment.

What Your Knee Surgeon Wants You To Know About Knee Pain

Knee pain is very common because of the weight and stresses your knees must bear daily. Most cases of knee pain resolve with rest and dont require treatment. However, there are some instances when you must consult a provider. Here are some things your knee surgeon wants you to know about knee pain: Knee Pain

When To Approach A Knee Specialist

In normal circumstances, a lot also depends on the nature of your problem. Knee pain could be a result of many things. Its severity could vary as well. In some cases, the pain could be very mild, which might not necessarily require a doctors intervention. Just resting for a day could help heal that pain. You can even opt for over-the-counter pain medications to control the pain. For this, you can approach either a pharmacist to get the medicine OR your GP to have the right pain medication prescribed. But this is recommended or acceptable only when the pain is mild and isnt serious. In contrast, if you have gotten in an accident or you fell that may have caused a severe sprain, its important to find the best bone doctor in Kolkata for proper diagnosis and treatment. Failing to do this can worsen your situation worsening your knee pain. You should immediately visit an orthopedic doctor who specializes in knee pain, do the needed tests, and start the treatment plan.

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Wondering How To Improve Your Golf Game This Spring Read This

Many Pearland, Texas, residents that have been playing golf for a long time will experience some form of golf injury, whether major or minor. Unfortunately, even minor injuries can sideline players from their golf game for quite some time. Fortunately, stem cell therapy can help players improve their golf game after an injury. At Dr. Burke Orthopedics, we know that stem cell therapy is a revolutionary treatment for many patients involved in sports, so weve listed some golf-related injuries that regenerative medicine can help with:

One of the most frequently encountered problems in golf players is lower back pain. This is mostly due to the rotational force exerted on the back while swinging. While flexibility exercises and yoga can help a great deal in preventing the pain, non-medical treatment methods may not help more severe cases.

Stem cell therapy offers a completely natural solution to the back pain that golfers incur. During the treatment, healthy stem cells are injected into the area of pain to aid in the process of healing without any downtime. While an initial consultation is required, typically, patients are an ideal candidate if conservative treatments have failed to improve their condition, or if an orthopedic specialist has recommended stem cell therapy.

  • Knee Pain and Damage
  • Reducing inflammation
  • Regenerating worn out cartilage and tissue

Nano Knee In The Spotlight

Best Knee and Shoulder Orthopaedic Surgery Specialist Surgeon in Mumbai ...

ABC 7 SoCal Spotlight on Nano® Knee, a state-of-the-art innovative knee replacement technology that allows patients to obtain knee surgery without a hospital stay, without extreme pain and minimal to no physical therapy.

ABC 7 covers a patient who has been suffering with debilitating knee pain for three decades and his choice to persue Nano® Knee treatment.

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Which Doctor I Should Go To For Knee Pain

Orthopedician or orthopedic doctors specialize in treating bone and joint-related problems. Ideally, when your knee is paining, you should visit an orthopedic doctor for treatment. However, within this, these doctors specialize in different types of orthopedic problems. While some specialize in back pain, knee pain, and hip replacement, others have extensive experience in fractures, sports injuries, and osteoporosis while some specialize in general orthopedics, others do in elderly orthopedics.

Knee Reconstruction And Cartilage Preservation

An injury to the knee may warrant a visit to an orthopedic surgeon in order to determine the severity of your injury and the optimal course of treatment. In some cases, particularly if a ligament is torn or cartilage in the knee is badly damaged, surgery will be recommended. An orthopedic surgeon is able to reconstruct these structures that were damaged so that your knee will cause less pain and function properly again.

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Stem Cell For Knee Treatment

Unlike stem cell injections, the MACI® Procedure directly addresses the root of the problem. MACI® is an autologous stem-cell treatment. Autologous means that your own cells are used.

Healthy cartilage is extracted from a non-weight-bearing portion of your knee, then shipped to a lab where chondrocytes from that sample are specially treated and encouraged to grow.

When deemed ready, the new cells are implanted back into your knee covering the area of damaged cartilage causing pain.

Why Do I Have Knee Pain

Why do I have knee pain and how can it be treated?

There could be numerous reasons why you have sore knees. The knee joint contains many different muscles, ligaments and tendons. Pain can originate anywhere from the knee cap or the knee joint or the cruciate ligaments. Cartilage tears, strains and sprains are also very common. However, your knee joint pain could also arise as a result of another primary problem, like a foot injury.

If you leave your knee pain untreated, it could get worse over time or lead to further health complications. Thats why its important to visit one of our top knee doctors at The Pain Treatment Specialists.

Lets look at some of the most common causes of knee pain:-

  • Anterior cruciate ligament injury an acl injury is extremely common amongst athletes and is a well-known sporting injury. The acl is the largest ligament in the knee joint. You may have an acl injury if you felt a popping sensation in the knee accompanied by swelling and loss of ability to move the knee joint.
  • Arthritis arthritis is usually associated with older individuals. Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease which causes the immune system to attack the lining of the joints. Osteoarthritis is when the cartilage lining in the knee breaks down due to wear and tear over time. This can cause stiffness and pain in the inflamed joint. Bony spurs called osteophytes can also form.

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What Happens When I Visit The Pain Treatment Specialists

Now that weve looked at why its important to book an appointment with the best knee doctors in nj at The Pain Treatment Specialists, lets see what happens when you visit our clinic in nj and nyc.

Our state of the art clinic in Northern New Jersey regularly welcomes celebrity athletes and patients from around the world. We pride ourselves on being a Center of Excellence which offers expert minimally invasive procedures that combine the best of pain medicine with a holistic health approach.

One of the top knee pain doctors will physically examine your knee joint. They will also take a verbal medical history from you to explore the pain complaint in full. Sometimes pain doctors order blood tests or scans to rule out other underlying health conditions. Then, using all of this information, your pain doctor will provide you with a diagnosis and subsequent treatment plan. This will involve R.I.C.E. as well as a minimally invasive procedure like the ones we have already explored. Our top knee pain doctors nj may also recommend the best physical therapist to work with you in conjunction with your treatment plan.

At The Pain Treatment Specialists, our pain doctors understand why you may have concerns about your knee pain. Thats why they spend time with their patients to establish healthy doctor-patient relationships and do their best to alleviate any worries that may be on your mind.

What Is A Knee Specialist Called

First and foremost, you need to know what type of doctor to see for you knee pain. If you were to go to your general practitioner about your knee pain, he or she would most likely refer you to an orthopedic doctor.

The University of Utah explains in general terms that, Orthopedic doctors are doctors who focus on caring for your bones, joints, ligament, nerves, and tendons . As such, a knee pain specialist is called an orthopedic knee specialist.

Keep in mind that many orthopedic doctors specialize in just one or two parts of the musculoskeletal system, so it is important to verify with any new doctor that he or she specializes in knees before making an appointment.

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Im Able To Work All Day Long And Come Home And Still Be Active

I was completely bone-on-bone, I had osteoarthritis in my left knee. I wasnt able to do hiking, I wasnt able to walk my dogs. Other surgeons told me I could not have a knee replacement because of my ageI was too young. After meeting with Dr. Ferro and the Nano® Knee staff my quality as far as my knee replacement after the knee replacement Nano® surgery is 100% better. Im completely happy with it. I have no pain. No pain whatsoever. Im able to wear heels, which I wasnt able to do for years. Im able to walk my dog. Im able to work all day long at work and come home and still be active and not be off my feet because of the pain. Im completely 100% happy with this procedure. | Lisa Fries, 54-years-old

Types Of Knee Pain An Orthopedic Specialist Near Me Treats Quickly:

Meniscus Tears &  Knee Pain
  • Acute Knee PainAcute knee injuries include things like broken bones, fractures, meniscus injuries, and dislocation. Knee dislocation requires urgent care since it can restrict blood flow. But many times, acute injuries can achieve pain relief and healing without the need for surgery.
  • Overuse Injury Wear and tear knee pain comes on more gradually and includes conditions like Bursitis, Osteoarthritis, and Patellar Tendonitis. Overuse of bones and joints can cause pain, stiffness, and instability, and responds well to swift, non-invasive treatment.
  • Medical ConditionConditions like Gout, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Fibromyalgia, and Cancer can cause knee pain. In many cases, a pain specialist can partner with doctors like rheumatologists and oncologists to relieve pain with minimal downtime.

If your knee pain persists beyond a week despite rest and home remedies, search for an orthopedic dr. near me whos a pain specialist for prompt resolution. The triple-certified pain doctors at Pain Treatment Specialists offer pain relief without delay.

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Type Of Doctor To See For Knee Pain

A lot of people are confused about which doctor to see for knee pain. To get the best possible treatment, choose an orthopedic doctor. Orthopedic doctors have the specialized knowledge and training needed to treat a wide variety of problems affecting the musculoskeletal system bones, joints, cartilage, muscles, and nerves including the knees. Orthopedic doctors can treat acute and chronic knee pain and improve your quality of life. They can also provide preventive care for patients who would like to protect their knees and make them last a long time.

Signs Its Time To See A Doctor For Knee Pain

It may be time to visit an orthopedic doctor if you experience any of the following, especially after an incident like an injury following athletics:

  • Redness, warmth, and tenderness in the knee
  • Significant swelling
  • Inability to bear weight on the affected leg
  • Physical deformity in the area

Chronic knee pain that is not severe enough to warrant a trip to the emergency room or urgent care may be a sign of a degenerative condition. Osteoarthritis is one of the most common conditions affecting the knee and is a result of age-related changes to the protective cartilage of joints. Osteoarthritis is progressive, meaning it will continue to get worse. If you have to take pain relievers more than a few times a month for knee pain, it is a sign that you should see a doctor.

Also seek medical attention for knee pain that is accompanied by stiffness, swelling, and a limited range of motion. These are signs that an injury or condition exists. Many people ignore such signs, especially as they get older because they think its a part of normal aging. People who are overweight also think its a normal symptom. However, nothing could be farther from the truth. Chronic knee pain, while very common, is not normal. Dont accept it as your fate. There are many treatment solutions available that can reduce or eliminate knee pain.

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Causes And Risk Factors

The most frequent reason for osteoarthritis is genetic, since the durability of each individuals cartilage is based on genetics. If your parents have arthritis, you may also get it. Trauma can also lead to osteoarthritis. A bad fall or blow to the knee at any point in your life can injure the joint. If the injury does not heal properly, extra force may be placed on the joint, which may cause the cartilage to wear away over time. Patients who have previously torn the meniscus cartilage or a ligament in their knee may be at increased risk for developing arthritis.

Our Comprehensive Approach To Knee Pain

Total Knee Replacement with Orthopedic Surgeon Dr. Torrance Walker

Your knee is one of the most complex joints in the body, but we make treatment simple. If you hurt your knee and want to avoid the emergency room, you can visit one of our Urgent Care Centers to get an immediate diagnosis and begin treatment. Many injuries can be treated easily, such as with bracing and rehabilitation exercises. If you need further testing or referral to one of our orthopaedic knee surgeons or sports medicine specialists, were here to make the process smooth and get you the care you need.

Nonsurgical options for treatment can include immobilization , physical therapy, and over-the-counter medicines to bring down pain and swelling. If your injury is more severe, like an ACL tear, we perform minimally invasive surgery that helps you return home in less pain and begin recovery quicker. Other knee conditions may require open surgery performed by one of our board-certified, fellowship trained knee specialists.

If an injury or degenerative condition to your knee joint is causing pain and restricting movement, total joint replacement can restore function and help you return to a pain-free life. Our fellowship-trained surgeons specialize in joint replacement surgery and reconstruction procedures that replace worn-out knees with specially engineered implants.

Our knee surgeons are not only the best in Connecticut, but nationally recognized in innovative, patient-focused knee care. You can count on us to find whats most beneficial and convenient for you.

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What Happens After Knee Surgery

Surgery is always intimidating especially when its a body part you rely on as much as your knee.

Fortunately, for many knee surgeries, patients are able to return home the same day as the procedure. This is particularly true of partial knee replacement.

More complex surgeries, like a total knee replacement, dont always require a hospital day, but a short hospital stay is relatively common.

In most cases, healing from a knee surgery takes about three months. However, even after this healing period is up, its important to spend time rehabilitating your knee before jumping straight into your old lifestyle.

Proper rehabilitation is especially important for athletes, those with physical jobs, and others that perform physical activities more frequently or at a higher intensity than normal.

Importance Of Maintaining A Healthy Weight

Maintaining a healthy weight is one of the best ways to reduce your risk of knee pain.

Not only does a healthy weight minimize knee injuries, but it also reduces everyday wear and tear placed on the knees over the years.

In particular, a healthy weight greatly reduces the risk of osteoarthritis, according to the John Hopkins Arthritis Center.

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Finding A Doctor Surgeon Or Specialist

OINJ offers a comprehensive list of specialists for a range of orthopedic needs. Our Hip & Knee Reconstruction Center is led by the following specialists:

John M. Dundon, MD is an Orthopedic Surgeon with The Orthopedic Institute of New Jersey. He is Board Certified by the American Board of Orthopedic Surgery. Dr. Dundon has published multiple articles in peer reviewed journals and given national presentations on total hip and knee replacement. He has also worked publishing textbook chapters on complex total hip and knee replacement. Dr. Dundon has recently focused his research into healthcare finance reform, implant design, and multimodal pain management for total hip and knee replacement.

is a physician assistant with The Orthopedic Institute of New Jersey.

The complete list of OINJ specialists include the following physicians:

Ashley J. Bassett, MD is a fellowship-trained sports medicine orthopedic surgeon specializing in injuries of the shoulder, elbow and knee. She graduated top of her class at Rutgers UMDNJ Robert Wood Johnson Medical School. Following medical school, Dr. Bassett completed her residency in Orthopedic Surgery at the Harvard Combined Orthopaedic Residency Program. She has a special interest in sports-related injuries of the female athlete and serves as the director of the Womens Sports Medicine Center at the Orthopedic Institute of New Jersey.

Home Remedies For Knee Pain

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Knee pain is a common complaint and can be incredibly irritating, affecting your ability to walk and impairs other functional abilities in your life. Your knee joint pain may be caused by a myriad of issues. When pain is not severe, and not affecting the ability to adequately perform necessary tasks in your everyday life, there are a number of home remedies for knee pain relief that can be attempted.

The first home remedy for knee pain is necessary if you notice any swelling in the area. If you do notice this, follow the protocol RICE. This stands for:

  • Ice: Never apply ice directly to the skin, and for no longer than 10 minutes
  • Elevation: when elevating the knee due to swelling, be sure to lie down and raise your knee above the level of your in order to facilitate blood flow.

There will not always be swelling when your knee is bothering you however, when you do not notice edema in the knee and only pain, try cold therapy for the first few days, then try heat. A commonly used knee joint pain treatment home remedy is to ice the area, which will numb the pain and hopefully stop any inflammation or infections within the knee joint from progressing.

Strengthening the knee joint and all muscles surrounding it are the key to a fully functioning, pain-free knee throughout your life. Some wonderful low-impact strengthening activities and exercises are:

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