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HomePainKnee Feels Weak And Unstable With Pain

Knee Feels Weak And Unstable With Pain

Ligament Mechanical Laxity Explored Further

Knee Pain and Instability
  • Mechanical laxity refers to an excess in the range of motion in the knee due to loss of integrity of the ligaments and other soft tissues which contribute to joint stability.
  • Functional instability refers to a sense of instability or giving out of the joint experienced in the course of daily activities or strenuous exercise. It is possible to have functional knee instability from muscle weakness alone thus functional instability may or may not be associated with mechanical laxity.

The four major ligaments of the knee are:

The medial collateral ligament and posterior cruciate ligament are attached to the medial condyle, the lateral collateral ligament is attached to the lateral condyles.

Now we have ligaments that are compromised by the bone degeneration and begin to loose their characteristic tautness because their bone attachments are degenerating.

Conversely, working backwards in a different patient scenario, it is instability in these ligaments that may have started the degenerative cascade of the condyles and menisci. Wear and tear, past impact injuries, everything in the knee affects the ligaments and the ligaments affect everything in the knee.

What Is Osteoarthritis Of The Knee

Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis, and the knee is one of the most commonly affected joints.

Everyones joints go through a normal cycle of damage and repair during their lifetime, but sometimes the bodys process to repair our joints can cause changes in their shape or structure. When these changes happen in one or more of your joints, its known as osteoarthritis.

A joint is a part of the body where two or more bones meet in your knee, its the thigh and shin bones. There is also a small bone at the front of the knee called the patella or kneecap.

The ends of our bones are covered in a smooth and slippery surface, known as cartilage . This allows the bones to move against each other without friction, and protects your joint from stress.

Your knee also has two other rings of a different type of cartilage known as menisci or meniscus, which help to share weight evenly across your knee joint, and theres also cartilage underneath your kneecap.

Osteoarthritis causes the cartilage in your knee joint to thin and the surfaces of the joint to become rougher, which means that the knee doesnt move as smoothly as it should, and it might feel painful and stiff.

Osteoarthritis can affect anyone at any age, but its more common in women over 50.

Injuries or other joint problems, such as gout, can make people more likely to get osteoarthritis. The genes we inherit from our parents can also increase the risk of the condition developing.

Reasons For Knee Buckling: Symptoms Diagnosis And Treatment

Imagine running to catch that bus your late for and your knee gives way! Or whilst playing your favourite sport, you experience your knee buckling underneath you.

Having your knee give way can be a scary thought. Not many people think about the reasons why your knee gives way until it happens to them.

Its at this point that knowing whats going on and how to fix it becomes very important.

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8.Other Causes For Knee Buckling

This article is about highlighting the main reasons your knee gives way. Starting with the most common reasons, and then working down to those that may not occur so frequently.

The aim is not only to inform you, but to help you do what you need to overcome this condition.

Lets start from the top with the number one reason that your knee gives way!

ACL injuries are very common and can have lasting effects on your knees. The Medical Journal of Australia reports that in Australia, there are upwards of 17,000 injuries per year.

Looking at the statistics you can see that the rate of ACL injury is only increasing with increased population and participation in cutting sports such as netball and soccer.

The amount of reconstructions being performed are also increasing, with Australia currently having the highest amount of ACL reconstructionsin the world.

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Unstable Kneecap Treatment In San Antonio Texas

An unstable kneecap is far from untreatable. Several orthopedic procedures as well as physical therapy can strengthen your knee and increase the stability of your kneecap.

At the Center for Orthopaedic Surgery and Sports Medicine, our medical team offers both conservative and surgical methods for resolving unstable kneecaps. We specialize in orthopedic procedures that can realign, tighten, or release connective tissues in your knee to secure your kneecap in place.

For more information, call us at 692-7400 or request an appointment online.

You Cant Put Weight On It

Knee weakness bothering your? Try these easy remedies

If its immensely painful to stand or put any weight on your injured knee, theres definitely something serious going on.

Inability to bear weight after a knee injury could be caused by a fracture, bone contusion, cartilage injury or ligament tear, explains Dr. Brown. Initial treatment includes using crutches or a steerable scooter to take pressure off the injured limb and minimize additional damage to the knee.

If this sounds like you, listen to what your body is trying to tell you. Dr. Brown warns that the old adage of no pain, no gain doesnt apply in this situation.

He advises seeking orthopedic evaluation as soon as possibleeven that same day if you can.

After a minor injury like a twist or fall, you might not be able to put weight on your leg immediately. Thats not necessarily a cause for alarm, but if you dont feel like youve recovered within a few minutes, this could indicate something more serious.

Its similar to when you injure a wrist or ankle. If you fall on your wrist or twist your ankle, you may experience searing pain for a moment or two. When the injury isnt severe, youre able to shake it off and resume your life after a few minutes at the most. However, if youve experienced a sprain, the pain doesnt subside. Instead, it gets worse.

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What Causes Kneecap Instability

When the leg bends, the kneecap should slide smoothly into an indentation in the femur . There are several potential reasons why this doesn’t always work as it should, and why the problem becomes recurrent.

Some people have mechanical factors that predispose them to having a loose kneecap, Dr. Medvecky says, while others have instability that is caused by a traumatic injury, such as in sports, that distorts the knee and makes it unstable.

Patellar instability most commonly occurs in people in their teens and 20s. Because of their wider hips, women are more likely to experience knee instability due to misalignment. In a person with a tendency toward misalignment, the problem can develop from overuse and/or stress from being overweight in some cases. A kneecap that has popped out of place at least once is more likely to do so again than it is in a person who has never had a problem.

Some patients have abnormalities of the knee cap groove that can predispose to instability and make recovery more difficult. Yale Orthopaedics has the most comprehensive program in the country currently for understanding the specific structural problem of each patient. It uses advanced 3D imaging technology, innovative computer programs, and expertise at the Yale School of Engineering in some cases.

Everything In The Knee Affects The Ligaments And The Ligaments Affect Everything In The Knee

Knee pain can start from a traumatic event, such as a fall or football tackle. Or it can become more apparent over time, with increasingly stiff and swollen knees. The underlying cause of knee pain is joint instability due to weakness in the ligaments and tendons surrounding the knee joint. Knee joint instability can also result in the knee cap tracking abnormally, causing pain and the cartilage under the knee cap to wear down. Surgical intervention to remove tissues, including the meniscus or cartilage, puts increased pressure on the other areas of the knee and worsens knee instability. Over time, this worsened joint instability leads to severe cartilage defects, osteoarthritis, and additional surgeries that will eventually include joint replacement. Ligaments function primarily to maintain smooth joint motion, restrain excessive joint displacement, and provide stability across the knee joint.

The ligaments of the knee provide:

  • Passive stability,
  • guide the motion of the femur and tibia,
  • define contact mechanics between the femur and tibia,
  • and restrain excessive motion to prevent dislocation.

When the forces to which ligaments are subjected are too great , failure occurs, resulting in drastic changes in the structure and physiology of the joint.

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Cold laser is another effective treatment at decreasing pain and inflammation, while improving function. Class IV cold lasers emit specific wavelengths of energy that enhance the body’s healing mechanisms while decreasing inflammation around the knee. It also helps decrease activity from pain sensors that are sending excessive pain signals to the brain. Cold lasers are commonly used to treat knee injuries and damage to leg muscles.

Unstable & weak Knee With Little Pain

Knee pain and ligament instability fixed with shockwave therapy Lethbridge
Posts: 143
Rep Power: 124

Sounds like ligament… Everything you’re describing points to ligament. If I were you I would I would start by getting a new chiro and physio who have a lot of experience with athletes. I would also go to my doctor ask for a reference for a knee specialist and request a MRI. Get online and start looking for exercises that get the blood flowing to that knee, I wouldn’t be putting any pressure on that leg till I knew whats going on..

Previous repaired full thickness supraspinatus tear, frayed labrum, and bone spur in left shoulder.Previous repaired torn labrum in right shoulder.Current Type I Diabetic.

Rep Power: 0
  • 10-04-2016, 07:48 PM#4
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    Hip and knee pain doesnt have to interfere with your life. Our hip and knee pain quiz evaluates your knees and hips, gauges the severity of any issues and gives you an idea what to do next based on your results.

    Injuries and other conditions affecting the knee can cause instability. Some common causes include:

    # 7 Synovial Plica Syndrome

    These are folds in the membrane around your joint in the knee. They are thought to be left over material from the development stage of birth. Kind of like your appendix, they dont serve much of a purpose except to get irritated in some people.

    Usually the plica will get caught in the front and inside part of your knee. It can get caught rubbing against your knee cap through movements which involve bending the knee.

    Synovial plica syndrome is more common in the younger years of life up to about 30 years old. There is wide variation in the exact prevalence of this condition, however its thought to occur in about 10% of the population.

    Also Check: What Is Arthroscopic Knee Surgery

    How Do You Treat Weak Knees

    Treatment for knee instability will vary depending on the specific cause. Treatments may include rest, ice, compression, and elevation, better known as the RICE method, as well as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications for pain.

    Conditions such as a torn ACL or arthritis may require knee surgery, but other conditions may benefit more from physical therapy and knee rehab exercises.

    A knee brace may also be used in some cases.

    Urgent Advice: Get Advice From 111 Now If:

    Knee Pain
    • your knee is very painful
    • you cannot move your knee or put any weight on it
    • your knee is badly swollen or has changed shape
    • you have a very high temperature, feel hot and shivery, and have redness or heat around your knee this can be a sign of infection

    111 will tell you what to do. They can tell you the right place to get help if you need to see someone.

    Go to or .

    You can also go to an urgent treatment centre if you need to see someone now.

    They’re also called walk-in centres or minor injuries units.

    You may be seen quicker than you would at A& E.

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    Causes For Knee Instability

    Excessively stretched or injured cruciate or collateral ligaments are the cause for knee instability in many cases. While ligament injuries often happen during exercise, congenital or acquired muscle and ligament weaknesses can also make the knee unstable.

    A damaged meniscus, too, quickly throws the knee joint off-track. When the knee is healthy, the meniscus ensures that load is transferred safely from the thigh to the lower leg during movement. If the meniscus is damaged, it can no longer properly carry out this task.

    If you feel pain when taking the stairs, going down in particular, osteoarthritis of the knee is usually the cause, i.e. wear of the joint cartilage. An inflammation of the bursa, called bursitis, may also be the trigger for your pain.

    As you can see, there can be many causes for knee instability. Physicians generally distinguish between three types of knee instability:

  • Simple knee joint instability: this is the case when only one of the knees structures is affected, for example a medial collateral ligament.
  • Complex knee joint instability: in this case, several structures are affected at the same time, for example the cruciate ligaments, collateral ligaments, the knee joint capsule or the menisci.
  • Chronic knee joint instability: in this case, the condition has persisted for many years.
  • But generally, the following applies: the more ligaments are affected by an injury or weakness, the higher the likelihood of knee joint instability.

    What Is Knee Instability

    Knee instability is often felt as a sensation of your knee twisting side-to-side or giving out under your weight. You may feel a general weakness in the knee or notice locking and clicking as you move and bend. Your knee may be in constant pain, and you may be unable to straighten it.

    The symptoms you experience often depend on the cause of your knee instability, and as a result, treatment will vary. You may heal with basic rest and at-home care, need physical therapy, or require surgery.

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    What Would Cause Sudden Knee Weakness Without Pain

    Patients who are experiencing sudden weakness of the legs is a presenting symptom which requires urgent attention. The term Sudden weakness does not only refers to weakness in certain areas which may last over for few seconds, hours or days. Where as in general in most of the cases where weakness may have been coming on over weeks for having been discounted by the patient, who then presents with apparently sudden weakness

    Sudden knee instability or weakness is most likely begun by a fundamental problem in the knee such as a difficult muscle, or an unexpected piece in the protecting tissues that keep the joint moving flatly.

    Causes of Sudden knee Weakness or instability-

    The knee is a complex joint that allows us to go through a wide range of motion. A lot of muscles would cross the knee joint to control its movement while walking, running, squatting and going up or down the stairs. As we make our knee joint work all day long for our daily chores theres no surprise in experiencing a sudden knee weakness or instability.

    Some of the reasons that may lead to sudden knee weakness are

    Rather neglecting your sudden knew weakness & going for some at-home a treatment, the person is strongly advises to have his knee checked by a expert medical professional. These medical orthopedic specialists will not only make an accurate diagnosis of the issue, they can also provide targeted treatments which can relive him from the sudden knee weakness.

    How Pt Can Treat Weak Knees

    Post-knee replacement joint instability

    Knee buckling is a common ailment among adults. It occurs when one or both knees suddenly “give out.” That “buckle” or giving-away is a sign of knee weakness and is the body’s defense mechanism for preventing further injury. Unstable or weak knees are a tell-tale sign of damage, especially if they buckle often and there’s associated pain.

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    Diagnosing Knee Joint Instability

    If you have the feeling that there is something wrong with your knee, you must make sure you consult a physician, an orthopedist, for example. Using the drawer test, the physician will check the function of your cruciate ligaments. During this test, you lie on your back with your knee at an angle of 90 degrees. The physician surrounds the bent knee with both hands and pulls the lower leg forward or pushes it backward. If the lower leg can be shifted toward the thigh more easily than with a healthy knee, the drawer test is deemed as positive. Then there are the varus/valgus stress tests to examine the collateral ligaments. If the knee can be opened up a little when counter-pressure is applied, then this will be a sign of a damaged collateral ligament.

    If the diagnosis is knee joint instability, there will usually be additional joint-specific examinations using imaging technology, such as X-ray or magnetic resonance imaging . The position of the pelvis is also examined, during which the physician will compare leg lengths.

    You Notice An Obvious Deformity

    If you notice your knee jutting outward in a way it never has before, take note. A dislocated or fractured patella can cause injuries like this, explains Brian Schwabe, C.S.C.S., board-certified sports physical therapist based in Los Angeles.

    While some deformities occur over time, when the deformity is a result of an injury, it could be the result of a fracture or chronic wear on the knee joint. If you are already experiencing any kind of misalignment in your lower extremities, then you could be more prone to this type of injury.

    If you notice a bone deformity after an injury, he recommends seeking the assistance of an orthopedic doctor immediately. The doctor will likely take x-rays as well as perform a visual diagnosis to determine if you need surgery.

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