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What Type Of Doctor Treats Knee Problems

What Is A Knee Specialist Called

How Naturopathic Doctors Treat Knee Pain

First and foremost, you need to know what type of doctor to see for you knee pain. If you were to go to your general practitioner about your knee pain, he or she would most likely refer you to an orthopedic doctor.

The University of Utah explains in general terms that, Orthopedic doctors are doctors who focus on caring for your bones, joints, ligament, nerves, and tendons . As such, a knee pain specialist is called an orthopedic knee specialist.

Keep in mind that many orthopedic doctors specialize in just one or two parts of the musculoskeletal system, so it is important to verify with any new doctor that he or she specializes in knees before making an appointment.

What Are The Most Common Treatments For Knee Pain

When you visit an orthopedic doctor for knees, you will be given a treatment recommendation that corresponds to the nature and extent of your knee injury. The treatment method could be as minor as physical therapy or as major as a total knee replacement.

One common form of treatment is arthroplasty, which essentially means replacement of all or part of the knee joint. Total or partial joint replacement can be an especially effective means of treatment for those who deal with arthritis. ACL reconstruction is also a common surgical treatment.

When To Call The Doctor For Knee Pain

When you are deciding whether to call the doctor about your knee pain, a good rule of thumb exists for most long-term knee injuries. If your symptoms have not gone away after trying a week of PRICE therapy and over-the-counter anti-inflammatory pain meds, you should set up an appointment with your doctor, physical therapist, or a sports medicine orthopaedic specialist to further evaluate the pain. This rule can also be applied to new knee injuries that are not disabling. Remember, however, that this rule should only serve as a guide. If you are concerned about the pain, you should call the doctor.

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What Does A Rheumatologist Do

Rheumatology studies the causes, impact, and treatments of inflammatory autoimmune disorders on the human body. In an autoimmune disorder, a patients own immune system malfunctions and turns its attack on his own healthy body tissue, rather than on invading or external disease agents.

Rheumatologists can be internists or pediatricians who have additional training and qualifications. They have the experience to diagnose and treat many of the over 100 systemic forms of adult, juvenile, and temporal arthritis. They treat mechanical joint, bone, muscle, and soft and connective tissue diseases.

Often referred to as arthritis doctors, rheumatologists treat many other diseases too.

Who Can Help With My Joint Pain Or Arthritis

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Your PCP will guide you in the right direction regarding which specialist you need to see in further treating your health concerns. Many health insurance plans require that a PCP first refer the patient to a consulting specialist before a visit to this specialist is covered by your medical plan.

If you suffer pain and disability due to arthritis, body trauma, injury, or an accident , an orthopedist can help. The staff at Orthopaedic Associates utilizes both cutting-edge therapies and traditional treatments to address a variety of orthopedic conditions.

For more information or to schedule a consultation, call 892-1440 or fill out our easy-to-use online appointment request form. We look forward to hearing from you.

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When To See A Doctor For Knee Pain

Unfortunately, knee pain is a common problem for many Americans of all ages. While younger people tend to experience knee pain after an injury, knee pain can also be caused by a number of medical conditions, obesity and arthritis.

If youre experiencing acute or chronic knee pain, you may need to see a knee specialist for treatment.

Stem Cell And Prp Therapy

Many orthopedic doctors also use regenerative medicine to relieve pain and boost injury healing. Stem cell therapy and PRP therapy use components taken from your blood. In stem cell therapy, adult stem cells are harvested and injected into the knee to promote the healing of damaged tissue. In PRP therapy, blood is taken from your body, platelets are isolated and concentrated using a centrifuge machine, and injected into the knee. The platelets contain growth factors that can boost the repair and healing process. Patients with soft tissue injuries and osteoarthritis may benefit from stem cell therapy and PRP therapy.

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Causes Of Sciatica Pain

The majority of sciatica pain is caused by the nerve becoming pinched due to compression of the lower back. This can occur by either a herniated disc, bone spur or even a tumor compressing on the nerve. Only a medical doctor or specialist can make a qualified diagnosis. If you suspect you have a damaged sciatic nerve, which type of specialist should you seek out to treat your sciatica pain?

Brief Anatomy Of The Knee

Knee Pain? 12 Signs You Need to See a Doctor Immediately

The knee is a vulnerable joint that bears a great deal of stress from everyday activities, such as lifting and kneeling, and from high-impact activities, such as jogging and aerobics.

The knee is formed by the following parts:

  • Tibia. This is the shin bone or larger bone of the lower leg.

  • Femur. This is the thighbone or upper leg bone.

  • Patella. This is the kneecap.

Each bone end is covered with a layer of cartilage that absorbs shock and protects the knee. Basically, the knee is 2 long leg bones held together by muscles, ligaments, and tendons.

There are 2 groups of muscles involved in the knee, including the quadriceps muscles , which straighten the legs, and the hamstring muscles , which bend the leg at the knee.

Tendons are tough cords of tissue that connect muscles to bones. Ligaments are elastic bands of tissue that connect bone to bone. Some ligaments on the knee provide stability and protection of the joints, while other ligaments limit forward and backward movement of the tibia .

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What Natural Home Remedies Relieve Knee Pain

Over-the-counter pain medications can frequently alleviate the pain. If someone is taking these medications on a regular basis, he or she should see a health care professional to evaluate the knee pain for proper diagnosis and to avoid the potential side effects of chronic medication use.

The RICE mnemonic is often helpful, especially for minor injuries:

Rest: Rest the joint, and take a break from your usually activities involving the knee joint.

Ice: Applying ice can help with pain and inflammation.

Compress: A compression bandage can help prevent swelling and help knee alignment. It should not be tight and should be removed at night.

Elevate: Elevation can help with swelling and resting of the knee.

Orthopedic Doctor For Knee Pain In Little Rock

Dr. William Hefley is a board-certified orthopedic surgeon at Bowen Hefley Orthopedics with decades of experience treating knee pain. He is fellowship-trained in sports medicine and an expert in treating knee conditions.

To schedule a consultation with Dr. Hefley, call 336-2412 or request an appointment online now. Our friendly staff looks forward to serving you.

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How Are Knee Problems Diagnosed

In addition to a complete medical history and physical exam, other tests for knee problems may include:

  • X-ray. This test uses invisible electromagnetic energy beams to make images of internal tissues, bones, and organs onto film.

  • Magnetic resonance imaging . This test uses large magnets, radiofrequencies, and a computer to make detailed images of organs and structures within the body can often determine damage or disease in a surrounding ligament or muscle.

  • Computed tomography scan . This test uses X-rays and computer technology to make horizontal, or axial, images of the body. A CT scan shows detailed images of any part of the body, including the bones, muscles, fat, and organs. CT scans are more detailed than general X-rays.

  • Arthroscopy. A minimally-invasive diagnostic and treatment procedure used for conditions of a joint. This procedure uses a small, lighted, optic tube , which is inserted into the joint through a small incision in the joint. Images of the inside of the joint are projected onto a screen used to evaluate any degenerative or arthritic changes in the joint to detect bone diseases and tumors to determine the cause of bone pain and inflammation.

  • Radionuclide bone scan. A nuclear imaging technique that uses a very small amount of radioactive material, which is injected into the patient’s bloodstream to be detected by a scanner. This test shows blood flow to the bone and cell activity within the bone.

How Long Should You Wait To See A Doctor For Knee Pain

Knee Doctor Pottstown, PA

Knee pain is a common problem that affects people of all ages. Because the knee is so complex, several injuries are common to the joint. These injuries can occur over time, during sporting events or other activities.

It can be tempting to disregard knee pain but you should never have to live with pain or weakness. If you are experiencing redness, significant swelling or severe pain, you should consult with one of our surgeons. They can discuss your options so your daily life activities can be pain-free once more.

Continue reading to learn more about knee pain and when you should see a doctor.

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Should I See An Orthopedic Doctor For Knee Pain

Choosing the whether to see an orthopedic doctor for your knee pain should depend on the severity. I you have been in an accident or took a blow to the knee and you cannot put weight on it, the emergency department is the usually the first stop. The ER doctor will likely take X-rays and consult an orthopedic surgeon if needed. If the knee injury is not an immediate emergency, you may make an appointment to see a knee doctor at their office.

If you have knee pain that is not from trauma, your primary care doctor may be able to manage the knee pain.

Dermatologist And Dermatologic Surgeon

Dermatologists specialize in diagnosing and treating nail, hair and skin conditions, which can include varicose veins and spider veins. Dermatologists focus on procedures and techniques to improve both the health and appearance of the skin.

Dermatologic surgeons are specialists within dermatology and receive at least three years of additional training compared to dermatologists. They are able to offer more complex surgical treatments for a wide variety of skin conditions. According to the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery, dermatologic surgeons are leaders in the development and practice of treatments for conditions like skin cancer, aging and sun-damaged skin, scars, hair loss, unwanted body fat and varicose veins.

A dermatologist is capable of treating the appearance of varicose veins and spider veins, even if they are diagnosed as medically insignificant and just a cosmetic issue. Superficial light based treatments such as Intense Pulse Light Therapy, also known as IPL or photorejuvenation, may be used to treat small varicose veins or spider veins by heating and destroying the problem vein.

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Can Knee Pain Come Back After Treatment

Frequently, knee pain will occur for a short period of time and then resolve. Sometimes it can return a few weeks or months later. For chronic knee pain, it is important to get it evaluated to avoid further damage to cartilage, bones, or ligaments. Prognosis depends on the underlying causes of the pain.

With modern surgical techniques, it’s possible to relieve many of the knee pain syndromes and return to an active lifestyle.

Types Of Knee Pain Doctors

Doctor’s Diagnosis- Understanding your Knee Pain

Knee pain doctors can come from various different fields of medicine such as anesthesiologists, physiatrists, neurosurgeons, podiatrists, neurologists, primary care physicians, or orthopedic surgeons.

However, broadly speaking, if you are wondering what kind of doctor for knee pain exists, there are three knee pain specialists palliative care specialists, interventional pain and spine specialists, and chronic pain specialists.

As you can see, there are a lot of options when it comes to what doctor to see for knee pain. But you should look for interventional pain specialists because theyre the only ones who can truly diagnose the root cause of your knee pain and provide long-term relief. An interventional pain specialist will use imaging tests like X-Rays, CT scans, and MRIs to determine the root cause of knee pain.

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What Do Knee Doctors Do For Knee Pain

The quick answer is knee doctors evaluate the knee with special tests during the examination and may order X-rays or MRIs if needed to determine whether there is a fracture or tear in the tissue of the knee. They often refer patients to physical therapy as the first line of treatment as a conservative approach. Knee doctors may prescribe pain or anti-inflammatory medication to allow patients to perform daily activity easier. They may order special tests like an MRI to help diagnose your knee.

What Kind Of Doctor Should I See For Joint And Muscle Pain

In most cases, your primary care physician is the first stop if you have muscle and joint pain or pain in the tendons in the knee. Tendinitis and arthritis are common issues in the knee. They may order physical therapy and diagnostic tests as needed. If the problem is severe, they may refer you to a knee specialist or knee doctor to further evaluate the issues in the knee. Depending on your insurance, you may be able to go directly to a specialist, such as an Orthopaedic doctor or Surgeon.

Anatomy of the Knee

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Board Certification And Strong Educational Background

Consider the doctors board certification. The best knee pain doctors are board-certified in the field of pain management. This denotes that theyve gone through advanced residencies and fellowships, which makes them far more experienced than regular knee pain doctors. You should also consider the knee pain doctors education background and go for doctors who have graduated from Ivy League universities or those of equivalent stature.

Conditions That May Cause Knee Problems

Chiropractic Knee Pain Treatment in Wayne &  Conshohocken, PA

Problems not directly related to an injury or overuse may occur in or around the knee.

  • Osteoarthritis may cause knee pain that is worse in the morning and improves during the day. It often develops at the site of a previous injury. Other types of arthritis, such as rheumatoid arthritis, gout, and lupus, also can cause knee pain, swelling, and stiffness.
  • Osgood-Schlatter disease causes pain, swelling, and tenderness in the front of the knee below the kneecap. It is especially common in boys ages 11 to 15.
  • A popliteal cyst causes swelling in the back of the knee.
  • Infection in the skin , joint , bone , or bursa can cause pain and decreased knee movement.
  • A problem elsewhere in the body, such as a pinched nerve or a problem in the hip, can sometimes cause knee pain.
  • Osteochondritis dissecans causes pain and decreased movement when a piece of bone or cartilage or both inside the knee joint loses blood supply and dies.

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Questions Your Doctor May Ask

Your doctor will want to know as much as possible about whatâs going on with your knee. Be ready to answer questions such as:

  • When did the pain start?
  • Where does it hurt: the front, center, side, or back of the knee?
  • Did it start suddenly or slowly?
  • How would you describe the pain: dull, sharp, or achy?
  • Is the pain always there, or just now and then?
  • Is there any swelling or redness? Does it feel warm?
  • Do any activities make the pain better or worse?
  • Did your pain start because of a specific injury? If so, your doctor will want specific details of what happened, including what you were doing and whether you had to stop right away.
  • Your answers will give your doctor clues about the cause of your pain. For instance, a popping or snapping sound may mean that you tore a ligament. If your pain is worse when you rest and your knee is stiff when you wake up, you could have a type of arthritis.

    Your doctor will also ask about:

    • Problems with any other joints
    • Any knee injuries or surgeries youâve had
    • Other health issues that might be causing the pain

    A hip problem, for example, can cause you to walk awkwardly, which throws off alignment of your knees, causing pain. Also, pain from your hip can make your knee hurt.

    Let your doctor know what youâve already tried to treat your knee pain, such as medicines, braces, and physical therapy.

    Types Of Specialists Who Treat Sciatica Pain

    There are several specialties of medicine that have the ability to treat and prevent future sciatic nerve pain. The type of specialist best fit for your case will depend on the severity of your sciatica and the cause. Let’s look at six different types of doctors who specialize in treating sciatica and which one may be right for you.

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    What Are The Signs Of A Bad Knee

    Notable signs that can indicate a knee injury are weakness, instability in standing or walking, swelling, stiffness, redness, a warm feeling, popping or crunching noises from the joint, or the inability to fully straighten your knee could indicate knee problems. Can have knee issues later in life, and even more, if you are female many women over 50 reported some form of persistent or intermittent knee pain.

    As with most joint problems, early diagnosis and treatment can make the entire process easier. It increases the effectiveness of non-surgical options and makes surgical success rates higher and recovery times shorter. These treatments can get you back on your feet, pain-free, and living your life its in your best interests to seek a professional opinion as soon as possible.

    If you are suffering from a knee disorder and are in the Leesburg, Stonesprings, or Lansdowne areas of Virginia, feel free to contactour expert staff to book an appointment at your earliest convenience. We have three locations to serve you. We serve patients from Leesburg VA, Lansdowne VA, Stone Springs VA, Ashburn VA, Sterling VA, Aldie VA, South Riding VA, Herndon VA, Winchester VA, Reston VA, and Chantilly VA.

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