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Loose Bodies In The Knee

How To Tell If Your Knee Pain Is A Loose Body

Orthopedics 345 loose bodies knee joint osteophytes OsteoArthritis locking joint

Knee pain is one of the most common joint problems that people face today.

If you have discomfort in your knees, this could be caused by anything from general wear and tear to arthritis, inflammation, or a past injury. One potential cause of knee pain is something called a loose body.

Knowing how to identify a loose body in your knee can help you seek out the right support when youre struggling with a persistent pain. Speaking to a doctor will always be the best way to identify a potential knee issue, but there are some signs that may make a loose body more likely.

Cost Of Loose Body Knee Surgery

While the cost of loose body knee surgery will vary depending on a number of factors, it is typically a relatively affordable procedure .

The average cost of knee surgeries overall is $18,975 ranging from $5,700 to over $23,000. That being said your out-of-pocket cost depends primarily on your insurance. Out-of-pocket loose body knee surgery generally costs patients between $2000 and $3000 out-of-pocket.

However, this price can range depending on things like the surgeons fees, the hospital charges, and your insurance plan.

How Do I Know If I Need A Loose Body Knee Surgery

Your orthopedic surgeon will usually recommend loose body knee surgery if you are experiencing pain and/or swelling in your knee joint that is not relieved by conservative treatments such as rest, ice, and physical therapy.

Confirmation of an MRI scan or the use of ultrasound is generally required to move forward with the surgery. This is because a surgeon will need to ensure it is truly a loose body that is causing the knee pain.

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Loose Body Knee Surgery Recovery Time: What To Expect

If you are one of the many people who require loose body knee surgery, then you may be wondering what to expect in terms of recovery time for your knee joint. This blog post will give you a general overview of the healing process so that you can plan appropriately.

Keep in mind that everyone heals differently, so your experience may vary from what is described here. We wish you a speedy and successful recovery, enjoy the post on loose body knee surgery recovery time!

Loose Bodies In The Knee

Loose Body In Knee

Knee problems can easily sideline you by decreasing your mobility and causing pain. It is important to find the source of these issues early in order to prevent more damage from occurring. One knee condition that can cause intermittent pain, and lead to bigger issues, is the accumulation of small fragments of cartilage or bone moving around the knee joint fluid. These pieces of debris are called loose bodies.

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Knee Specialists In The Greater St John Crown Point And Lowell Areas

The orthopedic surgeons at Great Lakes Orthopedics & Sports Medicine, P. C. treat knee conditions and injuries at their 3 convenient offices in St. John, Crown Point and Lowell, Indiana. Our orthopedic physicians are specially-trained in treating knee conditions and injuries. As leaders in orthopedic care, we provide minimally invasive and innovative treatment options, as well as utilizing state-of-the art technologies, to create unique and individualized care plan designed to get you back on your road to recovery and regaining an active lifestyle!!

The Special Instruments For Treatment

Usually, doctors use a suction tip to remove the fragments. Apart from this, if you have tiny particles in your joints, surgeons may use a small needle and grasper to remove them.

If any bodies are floating in your knee joint area, doctors use a specialized clinical instrument known as the mechanical burr or re-sector to break down the bodies. Your body can easily disregard the broken fragments through the enzyme degradation mechanism.

Suppose your body has large-sized fragments due to an injury, knee fracture, bone swelling, or cartilage inflammation. Your surgeons will reduce these particles and attach them to the original position with the help of surgical screws or pins.

If loose fragments in your knee area due to a benign tumor of the synovial membrane, specialists recommend a verified partial synovectomy procedure to treat the condition. Your doctor uses this technique to remove the grown-out part of the synovium.

And if the fragments are present in the back of knee, doctors use an arthrotomy procedure to treat the condition. You will have to undergo an open knee surgery where cuts are made into the joint and floating bodies are removed.

After surgery, your doctor might suggest a rehab program to ease knee pain and restore its strength and function.

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What Should You Do About Them

The first important step is to work out exactly whats happening in your knee. A loose body that pops up on an x-ray wont necessarily tell the whole story. It may be an indication of deeper damage that needs to be properly investigated a cartilage injury, for example, or osteoarthritis. So before going any further, we need to take a full history and do some examinations to work out the next steps.

What Is A Loose Body In The Knee

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Loose bodies are generally pieces of bone and cartilage which become lodged in the synovium, the thin membrane lining a joint. These loose bodies can surface in any joint, but theyre most common in the shoulder and the knee. Generally resulting from a traumatic injury, these fragments can cause the knee to repeatedly catch and lock, preventing it from properly functioning and creating significant pain.

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How Serious Are They

Loose bodies usually arent a problem until they start causing irritating symptoms. The most obvious symptom is, of course, pain and sometimes swelling or inflammation. But if they move into a joint they can cause mechanical problems too, such as locking or jamming, where you suddenly cant flex or fully extend your knee. Sometimes this can make it hard to walk.

Diagnosing Loose Bodies Within The Knee

Patients experiencing any symptoms related to loose bodies within the knee should seek medical attention from an orthopedist. If left untreated, loose bodies within the knee may cause further damage to the surrounding tissues. If a patient has knee pain, the patient should see an orthopedic knee surgeon. Even if the patient does not think that they have a serious issue, they should seek medical attention in order to rule anything out. When seeing an orthopedic knee specialist, the physician starts with a physical examination. The physician asks the patient about their medical history and then asks about their day to day activities. To diagnose loose bodies within the knee, surgeons use diagnostic testing. Physicians typically start with an Xray of the knee because loose bodies often contain bone and cartilage which XRays detect. Other forms of diagnostic testing that a physician may use include CT scans, MRI, and arthrography.

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Effect Of Therapy On Healing Process

While the surgeon and the surgery are an integral part of your recovery and removing the mass from your leg, it is the therapist and how diligently you follow your home training program that will determine your outcomes.

The therapist will help you regain motion and strength but cannot do the work for you outside of therapy. It is important that you follow all instructions given to you by both your surgeon and your therapist in order to have a successful outcome from surgery.

How To Perform Loose Body Removal

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Surgeons typically perform loose body removal in the knee with the patient under either local or general anesthesia depending on the severity. With a patient under local anesthesia, the patient remains in a twilight stage. In a twilight stage, the patient remains awake but cannot feel the pain. With the patient under general anesthesia, the anesthesiologist puts the patient to sleep for the duration of the procedure. The anesthesiologist then wakes the patient up once the surgeon completes the surgery. Two main types of surgery exist for removing loose bodies. The most common way, arthroscopically, surgeons use an arthroscopic approach to perform loose body removal surgery. Using an arthroscopic approach means that the surgeon performs the procedure minimally invasively. The surgeon starts with making two to three small keyhole incisions in the knee of the patient. The surgeon uses these keyhole incisions to view the surgical area and remove the loose bodies. Through one of the portals, the doctor fills the knee with a saline solution. A sterile solution, saline helps the knee expand and gives the surgeon better vision of the knee and loose bodies. Once the surgeon locates the loose bodies within the knee, the knee surgeon uses a tool called a grabber to remove the loose bodies from the knee joint. Once the surgeon removes all loose bodies, the surgeon closes the portals and that completes the procedure.

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What Are Loose Bodies In The Knee And What Can You Do About Them

Published on: 15th December 2021

Have you ever come across the term loose bodies? If you have, it might possibly be because:

  • Youve just had an x-ray that has detected some in your own knee
  • You can feel something loose in your knee and youve been googling the possibilities
  • You have pain or problems flexing your knee, and you wonder if loose bodies might be the cause

All those possibilities are good reasons to find out more about this surprisingly common knee condition. So what exactly are loose bodies and what, if anything, can you do about them?

What Happens During The Procedure

There are two widely recognized forms of loose body removal surgery. Both types of surgeries aim to remove any problematic cartilage or bone that is restricting movement in the joint, causing limited mobility or pain. The first type, arthroscopy, is the more commonly used form of loose body removal surgery. This minimally invasive surgical option utilizes small incisions to reduce the chance of complications. As is the case with nearly all arthroscopic procedures, an arthroscope is inserted into one of the incisions. It is positioned in a way that gives the orthopedic surgeon a complete visual of the damaged region. Utilizing this visual as a guide, the surgeon then introduces various arthroscopic instruments to perform the procedure. For an arthroscopic loose body removal, a suction cup is utilized to extract the loose bodies.

The second type of surgery is called an arthrotomy. An arthrotomy is a less commonly used surgical option however, it is effective for removing large loose bodies that arthroscopy cant deal with. This is a more complex surgery with a higher degree of risk, mainly due to the larger incisions that must be made to perform the procedure. Talk to your medical provider to see which type of surgery is right for you.

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Physical And Occupational Therapy Following Surgery

Your doctor will likely recommend that you start physical therapy within a week of your loose body knee surgery. Physical therapy is an important part of the recovery process as it helps you regain range of motion and strength in your knee joint.

The therapist will design a custom rehabilitation program for you based on your individual needs. Typical things that you will work on in physical therapy include:

range of motion exercises

balance and coordination exercises

pain management

You may also need to see an occupational therapist if your loose body knee surgery has caused any limitations in your ability to perform activities of daily living. The therapist can provide you with adaptive equipment and show you how to modify everyday tasks so that you can function optimally.

Additionally, the occupational therapist can help you address the psychosocial or emotional challenges that you may go through as a result of the surgery.

During both kinds of therapy, extra attention will be spent focusing around the knee cap to ensure other loose pieces of cartilage are not impeding your progress on your thigh muscles

Risks Associated With Having Loose Bodies In Your Knee

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There are a few risks associated with having loose bodies in your knee. First, they can cause damage to the articular cartilage or bone in the joint.

Second, they can block blood flow to the joint and lead to osteonecrosis .

Finally, loose bodies can break off and become embedded in other tissues, which can cause serious knee problems.

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What Are The Risks

Loose body removal surgery is a highly successful procedure with a long history of positive outcomes. Like most surgeries, the inherent risks include blood loss and infection but its worth noting that the risk of complications is greatly reduced when a minimally invasive surgical option is employed as opposed to traditional methods. Of course, patients should be cognizant of their surgeons instructions when undergoing arthrotomy, as this form of surgery presents an increased risk of complications. Individuals who experience adverse effects in the wake of surgery should consult their medical provider immediately.

Early Diagnosis And Treatment

Loose bodies in the knee will not necessarily cause pain all the time, and this may lead you to put off seeing a doctor. You may feel like something is moving in your knee. Sometimes your knee may lock up with the feeling the joint is blocked. When the loose body moves to another position in the synovial fluid, you may feel nothing.

While you may not feel constant discomfort, these pieces of debris, measuring anywhere from a few millimeters to a few centimeters, can cause damage to your articular cartilage. This damage can lead to osteoarthritis, making the problem worse. Early diagnosis and treatment can stop the progression.

Using X-rays, your doctor can determine the location of the loose body. Sometimes an MRI, or in rare instances, a CT scan is used to determine the details about the loose body. Once the debris is identified, you doctor will choose the appropriate method of treatment.

Treatment may involve physical therapy and pain medication, or it may involve surgery. Dr. Glashow and his team specialize in sports injuries and cutting-edge joint treatments. Let them provide you with the relief you need for your knee joint pain. Call today for information about scheduling your consultation appointment.

Posted on behalf of Jonathan Glashow, MD

737 Park Ave, #1A

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Treatments For Loose Bodies In The Knee

Loose bodies wont go away on their own. Anti-inflammatory drugs and physical therapy can help to alleviate symptoms and can improve the chances of maintaining flexibility in the joint, but they dont solve the underlying problem of loose bodies. Most of the time, arthroscopic surgery is recommended. Arthroscopic surgery is minimally invasive, with small scars, minimal pain and rapid recovery. Open arthroscopy is less common, but can be done if the fragments are very large.

If you suspect you may have loose bodies in your knee, a diagnosis from a medical professional is vital. If left, the symptoms can worsen until the fragments are removed. Contact the Robotic Joint Center today with our online form or call us at 308-3089.

Posted on behalf of Robotic Joint Center

New York, NY 10021

Exercises To Promote Healing

Loose Bodies in Knee

There are certain exercises that you can do at home to help with your recovery. These should only be done with the approval of your surgeon and/or therapist as they may not be appropriate for everyone. Some exercises that may be recommended include:

ankle pumps

quadriceps sets

mini crunches

Remaining active and doing these exercises as recommended will help improve blood flow to the area and promote healing.

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Complications During Or After Surgery

Although loose body knee surgery is typically a safe and effective procedure, there are always risks associated with any surgery. Inflammatory conditions during or after loose body knee surgery are rare but can include:


Blood clots

Nerve damage

While most of these complications are extraordinarily rare, it is important to be aware of them.

When To Call The Doctor

You should contact your doctor if you experience any of the following after loose body knee surgery:

increasing pain that is not relieved by pain or anti-inflammatory medications

redness, swelling, or drainage from your incisions


nausea or vomiting

shortness of breath

Your doctor will be able to determine if you are experiencing any complications and can provide you with the appropriate treatment to ensure you are in less pain or discomfort during normal activities.

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How Is The Surgery Performed

The orthopedic surgeon will make small incisions around the knee and insert a camera to visualize the inside of the joint. The surgical treatment will then remove the loose bodies with special instruments, leaving only small cuts as potential scars. The surgical procedure usually takes less than an hour to complete.

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Loose bodies in the knee are usually the result of physical injury. They are small fragments of bone or cartilage that have become loose and can move about. Loose bodies are suspected in the synovium . Symptoms of loose bodies can be similar to other painful conditions, so it is important to see a medical professional for a diagnosis and treatment.

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Immunolocalisation Of Type I And Type Ii Collagen Aggrecan And Keratan Sulphate

Endogenous peroxidase was blocked in bead samples with 0.3% H2O2 for 10 min then blocking undertaken in DAKO non-protein blocking agent. Aggrecan immunolocalisation were pre-digested with chondroitinase ABC in 50 mM Tris HCl pH 7.2 + 2% BSA for 1 h, type I and II collagen immunolocalisations were pre-digested with proteinase K for 6 min and bovine testicular hyaluronidase for 1 h at 37°C in phosphate buffer pH 5.0. The bead sections were incubated with anti-aggrecan , anti-type I collagen , anti type II collagen and MAb 5-D-4, anti-KS in TBS + 2% BSA overnight at 4°C then biotinylated anti-mouse and anti-rabbit IgG antibodies and horse-radish peroxidase conjugated streptavidin were added using Nova RED substrate for visualisation. Negative control sections were run omitting primary Ab or using an irrelevant primary antibody. Both yielded negative results. The stained specimens were examined using a Leica photomicroscope linked to a DFC 480 digital camera using brightfield illumination.


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